Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the real meaning of Christmas

To Believe or Santa that is! I always knew without a doubt I would teach my children about Jesus, but I never knew I would struggle so much about whether or not I wanted my kids to believe in Santa. I was raised believing in Santa Clause (in fact I believed until 6th grade....thank-you very much Pop). I just assumed I would not only support my kids believing in Santa, but I would help influence their belief (you know, putting foot prints in the flour/ fake snow by the fire place, taking bites out of the cookies and carrots left for Santa and the reign deer, and of coarse writing the annual letter to my kids).

Well, I still do all of the above.....but what I do not do is initiate daily conversations about Santa. Over the last year or so, my faith in God has grown so much. As it has grown, my biggest desire has been to share my faith and share my love for God with my own children. So as this Christmas season snuck up on me, I have really dealt with some guilt about playing up Santa Clause.

The reason I still do go along with the whole 'Santa Tradition' is because it makes my children giddy with delight every time his name is mentioned, but also because it helps keep me humble. I buy gifts simply because I want my kids to be happy, not so that I can enjoy the thanks that I get from my kids knowing I spent hours finding the right gift. It is not about me. Christmas morning is about my kids, and about seeing their eyes light up at their gifts. Christmas season is about Christ, and about learning his desire for all of us in our own life. He was born for one reason and one reason only.....for all of us! He was born for us, now we need to live for him. That is what I aim to teach my kids this Christmas season. I think believing in Santa is most kids' first exposure to having faith. Faith is believing in something that you can't see. Anytime my oldest starts asking detailed questions about Santa,, I always response with ' well, what do you believe?" or "if you believe than you have to trust that it will all work out". My biggest struggle is that if and when my kids ( I sense the time is coming soon for my oldest) do stop believing in Santa will they also stop believing in God. Because Santa and Jesus come teamed up during Christmas, does this mean in a child's mind when one is not real, then the other is also not real? I would love any advice or helpful tips on how you moms have handled this with your own kids. I think the only thing I can really do is continue to teach my kids about God and all that is good even after the Christmas season.

In the meantime, if we enjoy some stories about Santa and some fun holiday traditions, I know I have still done my part and His will. I hope in the busyness of the holiday season, you can keep the Heart of Christmas alive in your homes. Merry Christmas to all of you and God bless you and your families this new year:)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Jackson- 3 months

I am going to start writing monthly letters to Jax so that I can have a way to update all of you, but also to record his first year to someday share with him. This is something I wish I did with my other kids, but I guess the third time is really is the charm. Here is my letter to Jax on his 3rd month birthday.

Dearest Jax,

You are smiling, laughing, and cooing all the time now. You love for me to put you in your chair and let you just watch your brother and sister play around you. I can't wait for you to be big enough to join in. So far, you are extremely laid back for being a third child (I was a 3rd child, so I should know). You only cry when you are hungry or need a diaper change. You eat every 3-4 hours, and have been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks. Although, I don't really count it because you are still in our room and mommy gets up every 3 hours or so to check on you or put your pacifier in your mouth. You still are not fond of tummy time, but you are getting stronger every day. Your hair is still dark brown, and you have yet to loose any of it (nor have you grown you still have your receding hair line). We all love you to the moon and back and are so blessed that you joined our family.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


One of the most amazing and wisest people that I know told me ' fear stands for False Evidence Apearing Real'. Fear has plagued my life for as far back as I can remember. If it wasn't one thing it was something else. I hated that I lived my life in constant fear, but I felt helpless to change it. There was a period of time before I became a mother where I felt so numb almost like I wasn't really living because I was so frozen with fear all the time.

I credit my wonderful husband with helping me to break down my fears and learn how to simply relax and enjoy life instead of always worrying. He lives his whole life without a single worry because he believes whole heartedly that whatever happens has a greater meaning. Worrying will not change the future, it will only hinder the present.

Recently, fear has creeped back into my home. It has wrapped its ugly hands around both my son and myself. Watching Hunter have to deal with some of the same fears that I dealt with as a young adult was excruciating to watch. I had to remind myself that his fear was a demon living inside his own mind. No matter what his dad and I did or told him to make him feel safe, he had to believe it deep down or none of our actions mattered. After weeks of trying EVERYTHING under the sun, our courageous son has learned to overcome his fear at nighttime. He has developed his own tools that have helped him face his fear head on.

I didn't realize it then, but maybe my son had to go through this trial so that he could move mountains inside my own heart when fear came back into my life. And so here I am.....fearful once again. No matter what I do or say, I can't help but fear so deeply for my own children's safety (especially our newest member). I know all moms go through a similar experience, but I am not sure how many can relate when I say that these thoughts and fears consume my mind 24/7. I know I am being vague, but I am doing so deliberately because giving a name to my fear is giving in and I know that my fears are False Evidence Apearing Real.

I challenge anyone reading this who can relate to pray along side me that we can take my 6 year old son's lead and face our fears head on. I pray that I can let go of my fears about what the future may hold because it truly is not in my control. I HAVE TO BELIEVE that God has a protective hand over my babies and that he will hold them close no matter what life throws at them. I pray that I can let go of this burden of fear and hold on to hope and thankgiving that God gave me these 3 beautiful children for a reason.

So for now, I will revel in the fact that my children are healthy and happy and I will strive to enjoy every second with them....tantrums and all:)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A lesson of thanks

Anyone that knows our story knows that both Paul and I would be lost had we not been given this little guy

...Hunter bear took us by surprise 6 1/2 years ago, and he continues to keep us on our toes. Hunter taught us that we are not in control of our life, and if we just believe than maybe His plan is sweeter and more beautiful than one we could ever have dreamed of.

Thank-you Hunter for giving your dad and I a reason to believe in love and all that is good in this life:)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Little Miss Fashionista

I absolutely love having a little girl. Besides being the most beautiful 19 month old and having the cutest personality ever....(I know I am a biased), one of the parts I enjoy most about being her mommy is getting to dress her. According to my mom, even at Kinley' age I was strong willed when it came to clothes. So I am counting my blessings that Kinley lets me experiment with different looks

And so here you have it.....the many looks of Kinley-Jane

The sporty/casual look

My little punk rocker

Beautiful Buggy

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our newest member

Life with Jax has been as best as I could have expected! Since Jackson has joined our family, Paul and I have learned to work better as a team (you really have to with 3), and Hunter and Kinley have embraced their new roles as big brother and big sister.
Kinley loves participating in 'Tummy Time'

Hunter has figured out when he holds his little brother for me then he can relax on the couch.

Jackson has such a sweet disposition. He is pretty mellow for the most part, really only crying when he is hungry or his sweet sister 'accidently' sits on him. Isn't it funny how we always say ' oh that is impossible, or I don't know how people do it....well, I have learned when it is your life then you just figure it out'. I never thought I would be able to handle two little ones so close in age, but in fact it has been an easier adjustment than going from 1 to 2 kids.

I couldn't have asked for better kids, and a bigger honor o be their mommy:)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

And the list could go on

What I have learned as a mommy of 3.....
- Keep a small handheld vaccuum charged and ready to go at all times in the garage.
Pull the car in, perform a quick vaccuum job, get the kids out, and enjoy a clean car the next time you load everyone in. (Sure, you might have to do this everytime you get in and out, but there is something about getting into a clean car that brings about a calming affect).
- Keep snacks handy in the car...for some reason kids get extra hungry when riding in cars
- Keep toys and books on every floor. Easy access to complete entertainment and learning
- Keep diapers and wipes on every floor
- Use totes to organize toys....easy access, but more importantly easy cleanup
- I strongly suggest following some sort of schedule for your kids....we have an elementary age, toddler, and newborn and all three have a much smoother day when we follow a routine or schedule.....the key is to FOLLOW a schedule, but more importantly be FLEXIBLE when your schedule needs a change.
- If you are going to invest in one 'extra expense', I would suggest budgeting for a cleaning is such a huge stress reliever knowing that at least once a month the house
will get a deep clean, so it's ok if the house gets a little dirty one day, PLUS it allows
you to put that time towards playing with your kids which is priceless.
- Do NOT spend all your time and energy worrying that your kids are being too loud or wild when out in public. This is one area I really struggle with, but I am learning when you focus too much on the negative then you miss out on some pretty memorable moments with your kids. Nine times out of ten, as their mom, you worry more about how your kids are being perceived when in reality the public sees them simply as 'kids being kids' my advice is to just enjoy every second with your kids no matter how crazy they seem
- Network with other moms as much as possible through play dates, mom's night out, church, sports, etc. ....I don't care how much of a super mom you are, you cannot do this parenting thing alone. There are just some things only other moms understand. It has been a HUGE blessing in my life to journey with other moms (who I now call some of my best friends) through the good and the hard times of motherhood.
- Do one thing every day just for YOU. Whether that is working out, putting makeup on, or
just taking a shower make time for yourself so that you have the
- Wake up before the kids. I know it is so tempting to savor every moment of sleep you can get, but it is amazing how more refreshed you will feel when you get a few minutes to your self to drink your coffee and gather your thoughts without little interruptions.
- Take time to read a book or play a board game with your child when they ask. I know how easy it is to say 'hold on one second' to get some chore done, but that one second very easily can turn into minutes, and days, and then before you know it you have a elementary child who you have to ask to me, I know.

I am always trialing different ways to make our household run smoother, and I am always learning new life lessons about parenting. The one thing I know for sure is that there is no one right way to do things when it comes to parenting. You have to do what works for you and for your kids. Every family and every household is different, and this is just a small glimpse into ours:)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I finally have found or should I say, have made time to update my blog. It has been a month since our sweet boy Jax joined the family and our family dynamics have changed DRAMATICALLY. There have been so many times I have wanted to sit down and write about our new life, but I always felt like any free time I did have (yes, it is quite rare with 3 kids, but if you make it a priority it IS possible) was better spent sleeping or catching up on chores. After a lot of thought and prayers, I have finally decided how I want to use my blog. I will still be using it to update anyone who reads this about life in Iowa, but that will not be the main purpose. The main purpose will be to write down what I have learned or am seeking to learn from being a wife, mom, friend, nurse, and a woman of faith. Now I do not and will not pretend that I am a pro at any of the above, but I promise you that you can come to this blog and read the pretty, the ugly, and the downright truth about life from my perspective. And also feel free to offer advice. I want this blog to reach women ( maybe even some men) from all walks of life. Here are some topics I hope to address.

- Prioritizing your life
- Loving your life exactly for what it is
- Accepting what you can not change
- Learning not to loose yourself despite becoming a parent and spouse
- Disciplining your kids
- Living, not just preaching, a life of faith
- Keeping your relationship with your spouse a priority
- Redefining faith
- Organizing
- 'Tricks of the trade'.....helpful hints that I have developed and have been passed on to me as a mom
.........................And many many more to come

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Times

We started our summer off right! A week after school let out, we packed our bags, hopped on a plane, and headed to the eastern shore for a 10 day vacation.

We started off in Maryland to celebrate the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Iucalano.

Paul and I especially enjoyed being back at the same location where we got married. We thought about renewing our vows after Shawn and Tim's ceremony, but thought that might be overstepping a little bit. The whole weekend was a blast, and the wedding was beautiful!
My kids especially enjoyed hitting the dance floor. Anytime a circle formed on the dance floor, you could bet that H was in the center 'break dancing' (as he calls it).

We then drove to North Carolina and vacationed in the Outerbanks with both my parents, Paul's mom, and his brother and fiance. We were blessed with perfect weather, an all-inclusive house, great company, and a week of making new fun filled memories.

As I said, this vacation took place in the beginning of the summer.....Check back later for more pictures and posts on how the Covills have spent the rest summer:)

Monday, July 4, 2011

And then she turned 1

Wow, how a year (and two months) have flown by. Miss Kinley Jane has blessed our family beyond words. She has developed such a mellow and affectionate personality, with the most contagious giggle I have ever heard. We could not imagine life without her. She is mommy's little girl, but definitely loves to give her daddy kisses and absolutely adores her older brother.

Here is my latest attempt at recapturing every month with our little Miss Kinz.









(that's the best I could get)




Tuesday, June 21, 2011

3 minutes of HELL

My latest post was about mother's day, so I thought I would now share what happened on father's day. Before I get into the details, let me share because I know some critics out there might wander why I am publically sharing this story. It is because had I read a story similar to mine, I may have been able to breathe easier while I experienced a mother's worst nightmare. All the nursing knowledge in the world does not prepare you to deal with a medical scare with one of your OWN children. I want moms who are reading to learn from my story.....and so I am choosing to share.

Unfortunately, this father's day I had to work 7am to 730pm. All day, Kinley had had a VERY low-grade temp. Paul had given her motrin once for a temp, but otherwise he let me know every time I called (I called a lot that day) that she had no other symptoms besides being extra clingy. I remember talked with a few co-workers that day about how wierd it was that Kinley was running a fever off and on for two days and the only remotely noticeable symptom was that she seemed a little more sleepy. As a nurse, all sorts of 'worst-case scenarios' ran through my head. She did not have diarrhea, appear to be in pain from an ear infection, no vomiting, no new teeth, and no respiratory symptoms. So of coarse, as soon as my shift ended I rushed home to attend to my baby.

I arrived at 830pm, and felt her and again she felt just slightly warm. She was smiling, signing, and acting her usual self. I went to change and when I returned, she felt the warmest she has been all weekend. So I actually took her temp, and it was 102.2 ( which is medically considered a fever, but not very high). I gave her motrin, gave her some water, and then went to rock her to bed. There was nothing alarming, but I remember thinking I am definitely bringing her in on Monday because I just had a bad feeling. Kinley could not settle down, she kept closing her eyes then opening them. So I rocked a little longer that night, and it was a good thing I did.

In a split second, she went limp, and started convulsing her entire body. I screamed for Paul and ran to lay her in the hallway ON HER SIDE. Paul immediately called 911. She was turning slightly blue, and would not snap out of it. I knew it was a seizure, so I timed it and just kept rubbing her back, kissing her, and making sure to keep her safe from injurt. I have taken care of so many kids with seizures, but when it is your own kid you can't help but panic and think the worse. I seriously thought I might loose her. I have never felt so helpless in my life. I remember screaming on the top of my lungs for 'God to please help us. The seizure lasted what felt like a lifetime, but was 3 minutes exactly.

When it ended the ambulance arrived. She was breathing, but EXTREMELY out of it. I started to calm down a little when her color came back, but she was not focussing on me and could not talk. Post seizure is called the postictal period, and I knew these symptoms could last an hour or two, but I also knew some seizures could cause brain damage so I was TERRIFIED to say the least. The entire ambulance ride, I could tell she was just as scared. She was now focussing on me when I called her name, but could not talk (which if you know Kinley, this is so not like her). By the time we arrived at the hospital, and got settled in our room, I heard her cry out 'mama', which has never sounded sweeter. I started crying and just hugging and kissing her.

The doctor greeted us and immediately told us the most reassuring news of the night. Febrile seizures, although terrifying to witness, do NOT cause brain damage to the child. I felt my heart beat slow down and my mind settled. She went on to explain that 10% of kids get seizures from fevers. She went on to explain that it does not matter how high the fever is, but instead how fast the temperature rises. Remember, I said from the time I changed my clothes, she went from feeling slightly warm to VERY warm. This was all new knowledge for me, because even though I work on a pediatric floor, we never see febrile seizures because like she said kids typically have one and then they are fine. And she was right. Although, I was rightfully worried about Kinley, she did just fine. Despite the different lab tests they drew, we still don't know what caused her fevers, but none the less she seems to be over what ever viral bug she had....and we are seizure free.

This is not something I wish on any of you, but I hope to illustrate how important it is to treat a fever in a young child, and if they do start seizing, just make sure to keep them safe and rest assured that febrile seizures are 9 times out of 10 not an emergency.

I can't tell you how blessed I am that Paul was home with me. He was able to call 911 while I attended to our daughter, and then the minute he showed up at the hospital, I felt at ease. He was able to rock Kinley to sleep and keep me smiling throughout the whole ordeal. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing man by my side as we experience the ups, downs, twists, and turns of parenthood!!!

So for now that's our latest update because right now I hear a little girl crying for me to come get her out of bed....her cry is music to my ears these days, and I am thrilled beyond words to be able to give her just what she needs at this moment.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Home IMprovements

This past mother's day I received one of the best gifts from my husband. He cleaned and stained our back deck, PLUS we purchased new patio furniture. We can now lounging and relaxing on our deck while watching the kids explore and play in the backyard.


If this didn't look bad enough, once you take a closer look you are blinded by this view.

I know, ewwww Gross.



Now, onto my own home improvement project....landscaping the front yard. We will have been in our home for two years this coming August, and I FINALLY got around to 'beautifying' are front yard. Take a look



Oh, how I love this time of the year:)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We are still here....

Wow, I am so bad at posting. I have so much to update on, as we have had 3 birthdays this months....but more on that later. I have decided to post updates on our pregnancy and family on my blog instead of facebook, as I am trying to weed out fb (it will take time for me to completely part ways). So if you read my blog, then consider yourself updated.....

We had our ultrasound, and praise God, baby looks PERFECT:) I am so relieved. The unfortunate part is I am still plagued with this darn subchorionic hemorhage. We have known about this since I was 6 weeks pregnant. In fact, this is the reason I went to the doctor in the first place and found out this blessed news of a new baby. Anyway, it is relatively common, and usually does not cause any problems. But it does put us at slightly higher risk for preterm labor, so I will be having an ultrasound once a month until baby is born. The Doctor is very optimistic that I will go full term, but there is always that chance (and of course as a mom, it is hard not to focus on that). The reason I have decided to be so open about our experience is that I strongly believe in the power of prayer. So please join us as we pray that this clot will either a.) resolve on its own or b.) not cause any complications with the pregnancy and allow baby to grow to full term. Thank-you all so much!

Oh yeah, and the sex of the baby is........


We have been worried about this baby from day one because of this hemmorhage, so the fact that baby is healthy is really all we care about. Now, onto planning and deciding a name:)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring fun with Pop

WoW, this post is a little late, but better late than never! Two weeks ago, we were fortunate enough to have a wonderful visit from my dad, or 'Pop' as my kids call him. He spent the week living in our basement at night, and basically playing 'MANNY' to my little family during the day while Paul worked. He was such a HUGE help to me because Hunter was home on spring break, and without my dad around there was NO way I would be able to rest, per doctor's orders.

Now, just because I was ordered to rest does not mean we sat around and did nothing all was spring break of coarse. Unfortunately, I didn't get to actually enjoy fully participating in any of our endeavors, but that doesn't mean I didn't have fun. I had a wonderful time sitting on our blanket shooting photos of all the fun times my kids had with their POP.
We had a blast visiting the Madison County Bridges

Running through mazes
Can you find Hunter????

Playing at a local park

and fishing and frolicking at a nearby lake

When you mix some sunshine, outdoor fun, GREAT company, and a camera, you get lifelong memories for these two wonderful kiddos......Can't wait to see what memories await us this summer:)