Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Let me count the ways

My TOP 3 reasons, I absolutely LOVE being a mom are.....





That's right, we excited to finally announce that we are EXPECTING. Baby Covill #3 is due this fall, and we couldn't be more excited. This baby has definitely given us a few scares in the past 4 weeks, but at this point babe looks perfect and continues to grow as expected. We will continue to pray for a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy, but have faith that everything will work out as it is supposed to. This little one has already reminded us that he or she has been carefully created as part of a bigger plan...trust me, a plan that neither Paul or I expected...at least not at this time:)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Christmas in January

So the lack of updates again does not indicate the lack of excitement around here....but more on that later. We have mostly been being lazy at home and just enjoying each other. Iowa's winters are pretty bitter cold, to say the least. I feel like we have been hibernating for like 4 months straight. But no worries, we have been continuously entertained by Hunter's maturing humor and Kinley's new found mobility and curiosity about EVERYTHING.

We also were very fortunate to have my ENTIRE family fly out to Des Moines this past January for our own Corbey Christmas. It was the most fun I have had in a very long time. It had been the first time in a few years we were all together without an agenda (no weddings or new births)....we were all able to relax, reminisce (my dad brought some home videos that were hysterical and revealing about how devious we really were back then), and relish in some delicious food. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip. Hope everyone is staying warm, and have a healthy and happy start to the new year.

We went Roller Skating....I know, we are so cool

We watched Keegs dominate on stage

The girl's demonstrated the proper way to ....????

And of coarse we opened lots of gifts

There really is nothing sweeter than spending time with family. The older we get and further we live, the more I treasure every small second I get to spend with those I love. Oh yeah and before I forget, as Hunter bear would say