Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Birthday Bash

Hunter woke up Monday morning, and the first thing he said was

' Mom, I am ready to party'!

We have been counting down the days for his party for months, and the day finally came. We went to backyard adventures, which is an indoor showroom for giant playsets. We were able to rent out the whole store and the kids just get to run around from one playset to another. It was a blast:) I am so thankful that Hunter's brother or sister decided to wait to make their presence, so their big brother could enjoy his special day with both mommy and daddy there.

Hunter and the boys



Overall, Hunter bear had a great 5th birthday party, and he is excited to spend his 'real' birthday on Friday with Nay-Nay and Grammy, and maybe even his new brother or sister....you never know.

Thank-you Hunter for reminding me to enjoy the small things in this life....I love you and feel like the most blessed person alive to be able to be your mommy:)

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