Thursday, April 1, 2010

Na Nee

Na Nee is here!!!!

For those that don't know 'Na-Nee' is what Hunter calls my baby sister Shannon. I know most of you are wandering how in the world he came up with that nick name. Well, when Shannon was little my brothers and I used to call her Shanaynay because of her ghetto *****....well, just because! She rightfully so would get very upset, so being the thoughtful sister that I am, I decided to shorten it to just 'Nay-Nay'. So I called her this nickname pretty much since we were in high school. When Hunter was born, he could not pronounce this nickname, so he made up 'Na-Nee', and to this day he still calls her this name. We love Shannon, Nay-Nay, or Na-Nee....and we could not be happier to have her here.

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