Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Maryland Vacation

Our trip to Maryland could not have gone better. Besides having BEAUTIFUL weather every day, Kinley got to meet a big part of her extended family for the first time and Hunter got to catch up with some of his favorite people .

Hunter enjoyed digging and being buried in the sand

As well as learning to boogie board and body surf

Miss Kinley hung out either in my sling, in her tent or under the umbrella!!!

Hunter also enjoyed riding the Motor Bike with Pop and 'little Ry-Ry'

We ate tons of great food while at the beach, but my favorite was when we got Crabs at the my Aunt's restaurant. Besides enjoying DELICIOUS food, it was so cool because they had a plaque outside in memory of my Pop-Pop:)

I was so impressed with how well my kids did being on the beach all day. We all had so much fun and can't wait to visit again!!!!!!!!!!!

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