Friday, November 5, 2010

Healthy Habits start Young

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you accomplished more in a few hours than you have in an entire week. Well, today was one of those days for me. I woke up early, worked out while Kinz napped, cleaned the house, folded the laundry, and grocery shopped for the week. And although I am definitely proud I knocked some things off my list (even though it is FRIDAY), that's not even what has made me feel so accomplished.

As many of you know my family is drinking this new fruit juice blend. I am so happy Paul, Hunter, and I are getting the benefits of 13 servings of fruits and vegetables through this drink. I am still nursing Kinley so I know she is getting at least part of those benefits too. But today, I invested some time in healthy choices specifically for my babe....

At the grocery store, I purchased 2 sweet potatoes ($0.73), 2 butternut squash ($0.90), carrots ($1.68/bag); 4 apples ($1.84); 3 pears ($1.52), 3 bananas ($0.68); and 1 can of pineapple chunks in 100% pineapple juice ($0.77). That's a total of $8.12. We spend that much for

I washed, blended, mixed, packaged and stored. And in no time at all, I had over 15 servings fresh fruits and vegetables to feed my little princess

This really was so easy, and I had a lot of fun doing it. I can't wait to see how much Kinley enjoys her new food.


Jodi said...

Did you cook the food before pureeing it this time?

Jena said...

go you! you are such a great mommy :)