Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas Shopping

It is not even Thanksgiving, and I am already planning out not WHAT, but HOW am I going to do my Christmas shopping this year. I already know I am going to be shopping at the last minute...I always do:(. Will I go to the store and ship my presents or shop online, or BOTH. Well, I stumbles across this new website called Ebates from another blog that I follow. As a mom working a few days a week, I am determined to save money while still being able to buy the gifts that I want to for those I love. This site is great because I have access to all the stores I would normally shop at online, but this way I can actually make money by shopping. I thought it was too good to be true, but it actually makes sense. This website gets a commission from these stores for referring customers to their websites, but then Ebates turns around and shares part of the commission with you. I am so excited I found this, and thought I would share it with all of you. HAPPY SHOPPING!

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