Tuesday, November 17, 2009

IT'S A.......

We had our 20 week ultrasound today, and we are so excited to share a few things about our new little one.

It's A....

beautiful healthy baby

feisty little one that didn't stop moving one bit for the ultra sound tech

baby that has a profile shot that actually resembles his /her big brother....little button nose, tear drop chin, and small overbite

baby with a heart rate in the 140's

little one with two hands that like to play peek-a-boo and two legs that enjoy kicking mamma

baby that has a mom, dad, and big brother who are SO EXCITED to meet him/her

Oh yeah and finally...it's a


**That's right, we decided to not find out whether our babe is a boy or girl....bc truthfully it doesn't matter! What matters is that our baby is healthy and happy. Keep checking back for continued updates of our family and our life in Iowa***


Unknown said...

Bridget and Paul ~ So glad to hear that everything went well today. Can't wait for you to meet your little one. Half way there :-) ~Shannon "Benson"

Jena said...

LOL Bridget! I was SO excited to see what it was and then I saw "surprise"...lol! You are a hoot! Glad everything is good w/ the babe! Let's get together soon!