Thursday, November 4, 2010

Consuming Love

Last night while at dinner with my family, Kinley began to choke on her first finger foods ( we won't be trying that again anytime soon). Instinctively, I stood up and reacted like any mom would. I was pretty shaken up because in just an instant I was reminded how fragile life is. Now, it may not have been that serious, but in the moment words can't express the fear as a mother when your baby is struggling. As her mother, I reacted differently than everyone else at the really struck me, and so I have been thinking all morning about this crazy thing called motherhood!!!

The past five years, I have been consumed with motherhood. About 99% of everything I say, do, or feel has been related to being a mom. Being a mother is the most exhausting, time consuming, yet exciting, and rewarding role I have ever had. I wake up a mother and go to bed a mother.
...My whole life revolves around these two angels...

It is a love I have never quite experienced. I always thanked my parents for their unconditional love, but I never truly understood it until I became a mother 5 1/2 years ago. It doesn't matter how tired I am or how overwhelmed I am feeling at the moment, my love for my babies has NEVER waivered. It is a love that only grows every day.

It is a love that could only be created by the One who loves us more than even our own parents. People talk about miracles every day, but the love of a parent for their child is truly miraculous because it is only through divine intervention that our own selfish, human tendencies are put aside when we become parents.

Sometimes, it's hard to grasp how we, as parents wake up every day and give all our time and energy to another being whose every need depends on us. However, in the midst of it, we don't think about this stuff because it comes so 'naturally'.....well, only a love that natural can come from our first parent, our Father in Heaven. I am so thankful everyday for the patience, the energy, the commitment, and the desire to be the best mom I can. I pray that God can continue to work through me as I guide my children through this life and help them navigate their own path.

And so today, in the midst of pure exhaustion (they both needed mommy last night)I thank God for my happy and healthy children who are better than any amount of sleep could ever measure up to;)


Jena said...

I love this post! You inspire me :)

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring! - Kelley