If I could write a letter to ME
.... to stop stressing about the future because no matter what you envision as your future it will not turn out how you imagined, but more than you could ever ask for.
This blog post was inspired by my cousin-in-law Joey, who challenged all of her blog followers to post a letter to their 16-year old self. I thought this was rather interesting, so here is my attempt to advise my not so advisable self when I was a teenager.
If I could write a letter to ME, I would tell myself
....to stay away from all the drama teenage girls like to start because at the end of the day that is all it is...DRAMA. It doesn't have any meaning. Oh and FYI, the guy you will marry HATES drama.
....to treasure your relationships with your friends and family....some of these will last a lifetime...and in the end life really is all about the people you share it with.
....to stop drinking at every social outing because it really does NOT make you cool...
....to stick to playing sports because it is one of your passions in life, and it will keep you out of trouble (I REALLY wish I listened to this advice back then)
If I could write a letter to ME, I would tell myself
....to stay away from all the drama teenage girls like to start because at the end of the day that is all it is...DRAMA. It doesn't have any meaning. Oh and FYI, the guy you will marry HATES drama.
....to treasure your relationships with your friends and family....some of these will last a lifetime...and in the end life really is all about the people you share it with.
....to stop drinking at every social outing because it really does NOT make you cool...
....to stick to playing sports because it is one of your passions in life, and it will keep you out of trouble (I REALLY wish I listened to this advice back then)
....to be nicer and more respectful to my mom and to trust her guidance. At 16, you have no idea how hard it is to be a mom and how lucky you am to have such a hard working, patient, and honest mom who loves me unconditionally.
.... to stop stressing about the future because no matter what you envision as your future it will not turn out how you imagined, but more than you could ever ask for.
Oh my Lord, I could go on and on about what I should have done as a 16 year old that would have made my life a whole lot easier had I listened. However, all the mistakes and bad choices I made as a 16 year old helped pave the way to where I am right now.....and for that I guess I really can't have any regrets:)
*** This was a lot of fun...I challenge any of my own blog readers to post the same letter...comment and let me know you will be doing it so I can read your letter****
Great letter, Bridge! I hope you don't mind me posting it to the site where all the letters will link to. If you know anyone else who does one, send them to http://seattleiteimagery.blogspot.com/ to post their link too!
Great letter Bridget! Thanks so much for participating. I should have added something about being nicer to my mom too -- why is that so hard at the age of 16? :)
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