Here is a picture of me at 27 weeks (last week until my third trimester~ the homestretch)
We bought our first home
I saw miracles unfold with my Uncle John
Hunter played soccer and t ball this year
Hunter learned how to ride a bicycle on his own(with the help of daddy and pop)
Paul got a promotion at Wells Fargo working as a leasing officer
I started working at our local children's hospital as a Registered Nurse
We celebrated our first anniversary
We traveled to vermont for a family reunion with Paul's family
My brother and cousin got engaged
Finally Even though we found out we lost a baby in the beginning of the year, we found out God blessed us with this new life in July. So even though this whole experience was one of the hardest times in my life, it has to make my most memorable list of 2009 because I learned so many valuable lessons through our miscarriage and it strengthened my marriage, my faith, and my appreciation for all those in my life.
We also were privileged to be able to host Christmas this year for Paul and my family. My mom, dad, and sister flew out to stay with us over the holidays, and it was a blast. My mom, sister, and I cooked one of the most delicious meals for our whole family. I am not as good a host as my mom, but I am learning!

Hunter Also had a blast with Grammy, Pop, and 'Na-Nee' (Shannon's nickname). The boys made a HUGE snowman, and named it jack frost. It is still standing strong.
We ate a delicious Italian meal at Paul's moms house and then attended her Church for Christmas eve mass. It is so beautiful, and one of the traditions is at the end of the mass the lights go off, and everyone passes the flame to light one another's candle. At the end we all sing silent night and enjoy the beautiful sight of all the candles.
And finally, we came home and baked homemade cookies for Santa and then went to bed so excited to see what Santa brought us the next day. When we woke up, Hunter was the most excited I have ever seen him. He was screaming 'Santa Came, Santa Came'. After we woke everyone in the house up, we sang happy birthday to Jesus ( a tradition from when I was little), and then we let Hunter go crazy and dig right in to the gifts (I guess we figured this is his last year being an only child, so why no enjoy not having to wait for anyone else to open gifts).
Our Christmas Tree...look at all those gifts
(one of the traditions from Paul's childhood)
Hope your Holiday was as Wonderful as ours! We have been so blessed this past year, and can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for the Covill Clan:)
1 comment:
Awwww you are the cutest Momma to be! It was a crazy but amazing 2009! love you lots and can not wait for what 2010 will bring us!!!
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