Tuesday, April 15, 2014

it's about time

I am writing again, but this time I am writing for me and not to show the world (well...the world can read this, yes I know how technology works....but I am not broadcasting my writing....At least not at this time)

A lot has happened...A lot has changed....mostly me

Paul got a new job working in treasury management. He has lots of opportunity to grow within Wells Fargo. He loves the people he works with, and as always he is great at what he does, but he has a lot to learn. This is the first job he has to travel, so that has been an adjustment but we are making due. It's amazing how much 'energy ' I have when I don't have my better half there to pick up the pieces. We celebrated 5 years of marriage (almost 6 in July), and truly could not be happier. He has taught me more about life and faith than I could ever imagine. And I don't mean he has had some profound words or preachings...bc he hasn't. He has just loved me through some crazy decisions and shown me through example that there IS NO POINT IN WORRYING....life has a funny way of working out. I believe that whole heartedly. I have always believed that, but now I know it to be true, right?!

My kids have become these LITTLE people with BIG personalities who I just want to spend every waking moment with (by waking....I mean when I want to sleep, I do not want to be any where near them....but when I am awake both physically and mentally...yeah I love them to pieces).

 Hunter is 9, and reminds me so much of his dad....but in a 9 year old body. He has a humor like none other. He is so quick witted. He get's things....he gets when I am stressed or sad or ready to have fun. He gets it all, and I could not have been blessed with a better first born. He is so social which is both a blessing and a curse because he loves being around people, he is so adaptable, and makes friends easily, but when no one is around the boy cannot figure out how to pass time. I guess its a good thing that my kid will never be lonely, right?!

Kinley is 4, and is all girl. I am learning that I must have no idea how to handle a girly girl a.) because I was the complete opposite ...i.e. I wore  a boys bathing suit until I was 7 and b.) I have bought her a bike TWO YEARS in a row...and she has yet to enjoy either one. She wants to play with ponies and dolls and dresss-up and color. I seriously need to stop making her be something she is not, and be thankful that I won't have to worry about stiches or tics from playing in the woods anytime soon. She is all girl, but fiercly independent (the best kind, right?). She is the smartest 4 year old I know. SHe knows all of her sounds, can read a few two letter words, and can right her name. So who the h*** cares if she can't ride a tricycle. I love my girl beyond anything else, but can I just say I am so thankful God entrusted only one girl to me...lets just say surprisingly I have a lot to learn, right!?

Jackson, 'Jax', my baby, my challenge, but my child who is most attached to muahh. I can safely say now he is one of the sweetest, smartest, most amazing little boys I have ever met (along side his bro). He is FILLED with energy, but when given the right outlet, he just loves to have fun. He often reminds me in the most perfect moments that life really is not that serious. His best friend is 'sissy' ( I have not yet heard him call her kinley). He loves....no I mean he is OBSESSED with balls. He can dribble a basketball and look coordinated. Unfortunately he cannot hit a baseball off a tee.....oh wait he instead insists on throwing it up and hitting it like a 'real' baseball player. REMINDER: he is 2. No doubt he will be a phenomenal athlete, right!?

My kids are all so different, but have one thing in common. They are unconditionally loved from their nose to the tips of their toes (and of coarse hair, but it doesn't rhyme). My kids are at the forefront of every choice I make. They are my everything, I have so much to share...not on what is right or wrong, but simply what I have learned through raising these three beauties. I truly believe I am exactly where I am supposed to be. This is something that has taken a VERY LONG time for me to feel at peace about. I am excited to feel ready to share about this....or at least to write about this (again for me and maybe for someone out there). I am blessed...I know that now...

.its about time to share these blessings!