Friday, March 2, 2012

5 months

As my lovely husband pointed out......jax won't be five months forever, so I better post my update soon.

Can I be honest? One minute, I feel so head over heels in love with this little guy, and then the sun goes down and he frustrates me to no end. He is such a smiley, active little boy during the day, but we are really struggling to get him to sleep through the night....or even just a stretch longer than 3 hours. I have talked to other parents, and apparently this is not all that uncommon to be 5 months and still get up in the middle of the night. Paul and I, however, are not used to this because our other two kids slept through the night starting at 8 weeks and never looked back.

As a vetran mom, I am so mad at myself for my part in his bad sleeping habits. You would think after successfully 'sleep training' my other two that I would surely be a pro.....well, think again! I am too embarrassed to divulge where he sleeps, so we won't go there. I wanted Jackson in our room for at least 4 months, and now that I am finally ready for him to move to his own room he WON"T GO. I am open to suggestions, but let me warn you I have tried it ALL.

And so despite being completely and utterly sleep deprived, we continue to enjoy this dimpled, big eyed, giggly little baby boy:)