Monday, January 23, 2012

4 month Stats

Jackson had his 4 month appointment today and right from the doctor's mouth...
'Jax is perfect'......Well, we sure think so. He are his stats:
weight: 12 lb 3oz (14%)
height: 62.2 cm (37%)
Newest accomplishments: Jax has found his feet, learned to grab for things, learned to roll from his tummy to his back, and surprised us all by rolling ONE TIME from his back to his tummy. He loves to cooo, smile, and belly laugh.
Jackson's Must Have: BLUE BINKY (you are the only one of my kids who loves their binky)

Most Striking Features: Funky hair and big blue eyes

Everyone that meets Jackson is so surprised to learn he is 4 months because he is so tiny, but within minutes they are blown away by his charm, his alertness, and his strength. He is already 'all-boy' and loves to play rough. My favorite thing to do with him is let him sit on my shoulder and count to three then while supporting his head, I let him swing down to the ground. I have never heard a baby laugh so hard! I am loving that his personality is starting to shine through. We just grow more in love with him every day!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A day in the life

The other day, I actually caught myself laughing out loud because of how crazy busy my life has become with three kids....a good kind of crazy, don't get me wrong.....definitely still CRAZY! I just had to record down our day so that one day when my kids are teenagers and driving me 'real-life' crazy then I can look back, smile, and say 'Oh wow, if I can handle what I handled back when they were little, I can handle ANYTHING'. And so here you have it...a day in the life of ME....

3:30am: wake up and give Jax his pacifier hoping for at least one more hour of sleep

4:30am: Thank-you hour down and now I am ready to feed bed of coarse

5:30 am: send H back to bed.....way too early budd

7:00am Wake up, get dressed, make bed, start coffee, and feed jax, get Kinley from bed

7:30 am COFFEE, pack Hunter's lunch, start breakfast, change diapers and feed kids

8:30 am Send H off to school, Dress and groom Kinley and dress Jax (not much grooming needed at this age...thank GOD)

9:00 am PUMP and catch up on emails while Kinley watches Dora or reads books (sorry for TMI, but I have actually been asked when do I find time to pump and the answer is, I have to schedule it in to my morning)

9: 30ish, pack kids, grab a quick breakfast (cheese and peanutbutter toast or protein shake) and head to the Gym

10:00- 1130am Feed Jax, work out, and shower or somedays we just go run errands!

1200pm Make lunch, load dishes, and clean kitchen while Jax plays in his seat and Kinley eats.

1230-100pm Play, color, read books

1:00- 3:00pm Floor time with Jax, Catch up on laundry, eat lunch if I could not eat earlier, Feed Jax, put jax down for nap and either make necessary phone calls, shower if I was unable to earlier, or catch a quick nap, as well.

3:00pm Change Kinley, and spend some time cuddling until she is fully awake and not grumpy. Play some more with my babies

4:00PM H gets home from school. Our routine is homework and snack first thing. This works well because part of his nightly HW is to read a book, so we all cuddle up and he reads it aloud while I feed Jax.

445-5:30pm: play until daddy gets home

5:30pm Quick kiss hello to my husband before the kids are demanding his full attention. I run upstairs to make dinner while Paul entertains kids

6-730pm: Set the table, Prayers, Dinner, clean up, baths, pj's on, and teeth brushed. Paul usually rocks Kinley to bed while I read and chat with Hunter.

730-8:00pm: Tell Hunter to go to bed att least 3 more times

8:00pm: feed jax and put him to bed

8-11:00pm. Catch up with Paul about our days, watch TV together or read while he does homework, blog, and plan my day tomorrow. Feed Jax again if he is still awake otherwise PJ's on and lights out for me so I can hopefully get up and do it all again.

And so here you have it....of coarse not everyday runs this smooth. But for the most part, we have a pretty good routine around here. The days also include some tears, tantrums, diaper blow know the usual stuff! All in all, I am so thankful for this life, and I wouldn't change a thing.

At the end of the day, every sleepless night and stressful moment is all embraces because I get the privilege of being the mommy to these three precious and wonderful kids