A Christmas card posted on my blog....I know, this is semi lame, but hear me out. Over Thanksgiving, my kids and hubby dressed up (against their will) and put on their best smile for our annual Christmas photo. It turned out beautiful, and I had real intentions of mailing it out to our family and closest friends, but I have a whole book full of excuses for why that never happened. And then I had this brilliant idea to make a christmas card and send it out through email and facebook. It is a long story, but let's just say me and my mac computer are not on good terms......and so alas.....here is out Christmas card for 2010.
This year has brought many wonderful blessings to our little family. The biggest blessing was by far the birth of our little girl this past April
WOW....how the time flies by. Kinley is now 8 1/2 months old and she is such a wonderful addition to our household....and she fits right it. She is sitting up, army crawling EVERYWHERE, eating solids, sleeping through the night, enjoying every second laughing at her hilarious brother, spending the days with mommy, and cuddling with daddy. She loves to laugh, eat, explore, be held, read books, play with cell phones and remotes, oh yeah and did I mention eat:)
And then there is this guy.....
Hunter is 5 1/2, and is growing up even faster before our eyes. He is loving Kindergarten and learning how to read, and Hunter bear continues to be such a social butterfly. He started Tae Kwando this fall, and will test for his orange belt this weekend. It is a big commitment, but he really loves it. He will also start playing basketball this winter, which give him and his daddy something to practice during the cold winter days. But his most favorite thing to do besides playing sports and hanging out with his friends is making his sister laugh.....(at least I like to think so)....He has become mommy's little helper and loves to entertain 'missy' while I get dinner ready. It is so precious.

And as for Paul and I, well, we are basically enjoying ever second we get to spend with our kiddos. They sure keep us busy, and we are loving every minute of it. Paul just finished his last semester at our local community college and he will start his Bachelor's degree in Business this coming March at a local school that supports working adults. That's right, he will still be working full time and going to school. I feel so blessed that he is willing to still work full time because this allows me to continue to be home during the week with my kids. It has been a HUGE change and wonderful blessing to be able to call myself a stay at home mom....at least during the week. I still work 'weekend package' at our local Children's hospital, which I LOVE! I work with amazing women that have become great friends and I get to take care of such inspiring kids. Because of our crazy work schedules, we both try to spend every evening home together and thanks to Paul's mom, we still get to enjoy a date night out at least once a month.
We feel so blessed to have two beautiful, happy, and healthy kids. We feel even more blessed that we have all of YOU in our lives. We hope this holiday season and upcoming year bring as many blessings to your lives as we have been privileged to experience.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!