Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

My first mother's day with two kids was so memorable and actually RELAXING....i know can you believe it. Thanks to my loving husband, my day was near perfect. He told me that if there was one thing I was put on this earth to do, it was to be a mom. It means so much to know that my efforts as a mom and a wife are noticed and appreciated. Being a mom is the best, most rewarding responsibility I have ever been given. He and Hunter also decided to cook breakfast with all of my favorite foods, and then we went to church, bought new patio furniture, and spent the rest of the day at home just enjoying our little family. I have never been one to just stay at home and 'do nothing', but today, that is all I wanted to do....and I LOVED every minute of it.

I think the best gift of all was that we attended a service at church that was specifically for parents who wanted their infants dedicated to God. I was raised Catholic where infants are baptized to be saved from sin. I am not judging Catholicism, but Paul and I decided to choose a different route for our daughter based on our beliefs. At our church, baby dedication is a way for the parents to thank God for their child and promise to raise their child to know and to love Him. It was so fitting that the service was on Mother's Day because I know I would not be a mom if it was not for God.

We chose a bible verse to be read at the service, which you can read below. This verse was really special to me because when I was struggling to get pregnant with Kinley after our miscarriage, a friend of mine referred me to this local woman who has been known to pray for desiring moms. After I contacted her, she sent me pocket bible, and in it she asked me to read John, chapter 1 and recite it over and over again. I realized after about the tenth time of reciting it that ultimately if I declare God as my savior and believe it in my heart and follow his commandments then anything is possible.....and God proved me right! Kinley is His child, and God has put me on earth to guide her and love her through life!

All Dressed In her Sunday's Best

My Handsome Boy!

We are all smiling because right when we were praying over Kinley, she let out the cutest little giggle. Perfect Timing:)

We decided to stop by this neat park right near church that a good friend of mine showed us. This park has so many cool attractions for the kids, especially the giant spider web (which by the way Paul and I decided to race to the top). I also love the park because it is so beautifully landscaped.

Happy Mother's Day to all the new and veteran moms. This world is truly a better place because of all of you. A huge happy mother's day to the best mom in the world. Mom, I would not be where I am or who I am without your guidance and unconditional love and support. I love you more than there are seashells on the shore:)

Friday, May 7, 2010

His smile

There is something about my boy that makes my world better




My first born, my son, my dearest Hunter bear....mommy loves you xoxoxoxo

Thursday, May 6, 2010


When Hunter was born his nursery was also my mom's office.Not that I am complaining, but that being said I went all out for my little girl since she would have her very own nursery. Here are some pictures of Kinley's nursery, which I must say turned out quite nice. I couldn't post them until post delivery since we didn't know what we were having so we couldn't add the finishing touches. Thanks to my creatively talented sister, Kinley's personal pieces fit just perfectly in her new room.

Thought it was time to update from my crib when I was a babe to a BRAND NEW ONE!!
Hunter picked out her blankie because it's like his favorite one, fuzzy on one side and silky on the other.

My favorite part of the room. This is my favorite spot to nurse kinley when I am not drawing looks as nurse anywhere and everywhere in public. (yes, I wear a cover and yes, it is legal). I sit in my rocking chair and either listen to relaxing christian music or children's lullabies or I open the blinds and watch Hunter-Bear play in our backyard or last but definitely not least Hunter sits in his little red chair and we read bible stories while I feed his sister. I know I need to cherish these moments because life will not be this way forever:)

My sister designed the letters using the same green paint that we used for Kinley's wall. I never thought I would deck my girl's room out in pink, but she is such a princess I just couldn't resist. Another personal touch is Kinley's little bear that is monogrammed with her name, courtesy of Kerry. And finally, I know it is hard to see but the framed picture is one of Kinley capturing how she sleeps, legs crossed and hands above her head. The ironic part is that this is the way her mom and brother sleep, as well.

The piggy bank is a gift to Kinley from her older brother.

This is her closet the day we brought her home. You can only imagine how full it is now. If you are a mom of a little girl than you have to agree with me when I say shopping for your daughter is truly an addiction....the clothes are to cute to resist.