We had a busy month during February. We have so much to update you all on. Here are some pictures from my two highlights this past month.

First of all, my good friend Brach threw me a baby shower over Valentines Weekend. the party included some of my old friends from nursing school, my friends from my old job, my old neighbor, and my mother-in-law. I didn't even know you get a baby shower for your second baby, but I guess that is the benefit to having them 5 years apart. We played games, recorded every one's best guess on my due date and the sex of the baby, and of coarse enjoyed DELICIOUS food and cake.

Thanks to Brach and all my
girlfriends who came out to celebrate baby covill....you really made my day:)
After my baby shower, my boys and I drove to Kansas City to spend Valentine's Day together as a family of three before Baby Covill arrives. We went to Great Wolf Lodge. For those that don't know, it is this fun filled family hotel with a huge indoor water park and lots of fun activities for kids. Here are a few pictures from your trip. It was so much fun to be home on the weekend with my family (I am usually working all day on Saturday and Sunday), and to just relax and enjoy each other because in only 4 weeks, our family will grow:)

What do you get when you put a Giant pail of water and a curious boy together
After we swam for what seemed like hours, we enjoyed the rest of the hotel activities. Hunter was able to get a magic wand which allowed him to make some animal statues scattered around the hotel light up and talk to us. He felt like a little wizard. Paul and Hunter also played a scavenger hunt game using his wand. Mommy took this time to nap, but the boys had a blast.
We are officially on the countdown. 4 weeks to go, 2 weeks until I am full term. YEAY! I have so much more to update you all on. Future posts will include some pictures of our new car, our nursery, and some of my favorite baby things I have gotten over the last 9 months. So check back soon!