Monday, January 12, 2009

A hard day....

Today has been one of the hardest days of my life. I am choosing to share my experience so that those who are not with me will know what happened, and more importantly will know that I will be fine....we will all be fine in time! 

I woke up with mixed emotions because I was excited to be going to the doctors to hear our baby's heart beat, but I also had a bad feeling that something was wrong. I have been 'blessed' with a very easy first trimester, or so I thought. I had only experienced fatigue and cramps here and there. Although, most people would say I am lucky and should just be thankful that I have not been experiencing the normal pregnancy symptoms, but I knew something was not right. So, I went to the doctors, and after not being able to find the heart beat (with two different dopplers), she sent me to get an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech immediately found the heart beat, and the baby only measured 6 weeks (I am supposed to be 10 weeks). 

My heart dropped, and the tears came pouring out. I was shocked, angry, upset, scared, but mostly confused. How could this happened to me? Did I do something wrong? Will we be able to have other children? I then went next door and met with the midwife, who assured me it was 'not my fault' and there was nothing I could have done to prevent this. Surprisingly, that was relieving to hear. 

Paul and I are upset, as we wanted this baby so much. Our experience with Hunter was so different, as we were not expecting him. This baby was expected and already loved so much by both us and his/her big brother. 

We know that everything happens for a reason, and as Hunter so poignantly said ' maybe Jesus took the baby to make him healthy'. I think Hunterbear is right. Our baby was not going to be able to survive the pregnancy, and we trust that God knows what is best. 

Please pray for Hunter. I didnt think he would understand what happened, but we actually shared a good cry together...gotta love my sensitive boy! He wanted to badly to be a big brother. Please pray for Paul and me that we can lean on each other through this tough time, and trust that what ever is meant to be will be.....thank-you to those of you who have already reached out to us. We love all of you.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Jobs

Paul got a promotion today! He is now a 'team lead' which basically means he gets all of those angry calls when customers want to talk to the supervisor! If anyone can handle angry people, he can. He is also in charge of helping his other team members with any issues that may arise.  I am so proud of him, and so glad his hard work has paid off and was noticed by his boss! The best news is that he will finally have a regular work schedule, Monday through Friday 8-430. This is the first time since we moved to Iowa that he will be home in time for dinner....gotta love that!  

I also just got offered a job as a nurse on a telemetry floor assuming that i pass my boards at the end of the month. Wish me luck!!! I am so so nervous. This is not an area that I thought I would go into, but I currently work on the floor as a nurse's aid, and I absolutely love the staff and my boss. I also know it will be a great experience because I will learn so much. I plan on staying here for at least a year or two and then who knows....